Feb 9, 2023
Legislative News
The Legislative News is updated regularly by the Iowa Association of Business and Industry’s (ABI) public policy team with information about the latest activity in the Iowa Legislature, administratively and at the federal level.
Employment and Workforce
Aug 17, 2017
ABI member participation needed: Iowa Workforce Development Board
ABI is seeking member volunteers to apply to serve on the reorganized Workforce Development Board. The composition of the board has changed dramatically due to result of HF572 being passed and signed into law this past legislative session.
Mar 30, 2017
Statewide employment uniformity legislation passes Senate
The Iowa Senate on Monday passed HF 295, which preempts local governments from implementing ordinances that are different than those at the state level related to wages, benefits and hiring practices, as well as other types of prohibitions on private businesses.
Aug 25, 2016
Irving unemployment state Supreme Court case petition denied
The Iowa Supreme Court denied a petition for rehearing filed by the Employment Appeal Board (EAB) to reconsider a ruling in Irving vs. Employment Appeal Board that will have a detrimental effect on unemployment benefits and administration of those benefits, as well as potentially impact employer taxes.
Apr 7, 2016
Iowa Senate considers workforce bill
Members of an Iowa Senate appropriations subcommittee on Wednesday considered Senate Study Bill 3176, which seeks to improve Iowa Workforce Development’s infrastructure technology and update Iowa’s workforce services policies as directed by the new federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).