Ban the Box ad wage discrimination debate delayed
February 25, 2016
SF 2240, commonly known as Ban the Box, was placed on the Senate debate calendar Wednesday but was not debated. This bill, which ABI opposes, would prohibit employers from inquiring into the criminal background of most job applicants on the initial application. ABI opposition to the bill helped stop it from moving forward this week. It remains eligible for debate until the second funnel deadline, and although at this time we do not expect the bill to be debated on the Senate floor, we will keep a watch and continue to educate legislators on the challenges with the bill as written.
The Senate also was scheduled to debate Thursday for SF 2193, a bill that would make it difficult for employers and employees to have a dialogue about compensation and benefits. The bill puts additional burden of proof on employers and calls for establishing an equal pay task force. The bill did not move forward Thursday, but members in the Senate are looking for opportunities to bring the bill forward. Keep following ABI for more information.
Staff contact: Myron Linn