Iowa Senate considers workforce bill
April 7, 2016
Members of an Iowa Senate appropriations subcommittee on Wednesday considered Senate Study Bill 3176, which seeks to improve Iowa Workforce Development’s infrastructure technology and update Iowa’s workforce services policies as directed by the new federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
SSB 3176 would also transfer funds between accounts within the unemployment trust fund in an attempt to correct an overpayment that occurred two years ago. Both accounts are in the unemployment trust fund and used to calculate employer tax tables for unemployment taxes.
ABI’s public policy team has concerns that the rates could still be affected because no new money will be added and the dollar amount used to establish the tax table will not change.
ABI members have directed the association to be watchdogs of the trust fund. We have been working with legislators and workforce development staff to resolve this matter. Staff contact: Myron Linn