Prison Industries Expansion Hits Snag-Process Must Restart
July 23, 2015
Last month ABI public policy staff provided an update on Iowa Prison Industries (IPI) proposing a rule to allow direct sales to private contractors. Current law prohibits direct sales to the private sector, and IPI sought to make the change through rule rather than legislation. ABI participated in public hearings and the administrative rules review process to educate legislators about ABI’s opposition to the rule. ABI was successful in getting the language amended to define “contractor”, but the organization still has opposition to the policy and to the fact that an unelected board is setting policy for the state. ABI prepared to provide comment at the July meeting of the rules committee; but the rule was incorrectly filed. Due to this error, the rule process must begin all over again. If you would like to learn more about the rule or the impact it might have on your operations in Iowa, please contact ABI.