House GOP Releases FY20 Budget Targets
February 21, 2019
House Republicans unveiled their budget targets for Fiscal Year 2020 on Tuesday. Their budget proposal is $7,667,975,760, which is just slightly more than what Gov. Reynolds put forward in her budget. The revealing of budget targets is one of the first steps in the process of crafting a budget for the upcoming fiscal year beginning in July. Some key areas of the proposed budget include $41.02 million for economic development, $41.10 million for ag and natural resources, and $961.40 million for education. Senate Republicans will have their own budget targets, and those are expected to differ from the House. Budget subcommittees will use the targets to fill in the line items in their particular budgets. ABI will be monitoring the budget process closely as it continues to unfold. You can read more in this The Gazette article.