First Quarter IIPAC Newsletter Published
March 28, 2019
Earlier this week, ABI’s political action committee published its first newsletter of the 2019 calendar year. It included exclusive political content on issues ranging from state legislative updates to the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate field. To make sure you receive the next newsletter, all you need to do is contribute to IIPAC. You may contribute online or by sending a check to: IIPAC, 400 East Court Ave., Suite 100, Des Moines, IA 50309.
IIPAC’s record of success is consistently between 85-95% of endorsed candidates who win their elections. We need your help to ensure pro-jobs candidates are elected to statewide and legislative offices. During the 2018 election cycle (two years), we raised a little over $118,000. Similar organizations raised more than that in ONE YEAR. ABI’s PAC continually outhits our size, but we need you to step up and contribute this year. If you do so before May 17, you will be recognized at the 2019 ABI conference!