Federal Spotlight: WOTUS Hearing Postponed Due to Government Shutdown
January 10, 2019
The EPA and the Department of the Army announced on Monday that due to a lack of appropriations, a public hearing on the revised Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule has been postponed indefinitely. The hearing was originally scheduled to take place on Jan. 23 in Kansas City. The EPA and Army will notify the public of a revised date for the public hearing and other pertinent information as it becomes available. Read the full release.
The partial government shutdown is almost three weeks old as President Trump and Congress are at a standoff over the president’s request that a border wall be a part of border security appropriations. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have said they would not support any appropriations for a border wall, while the president is seeking at least $5 billion for the initiative. The House has passed legislation without wall funding to reopen the government, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has said the Senate will not consider the legislation because it cannot pass the chamber and the president wouldn’t sign it. Neither side appears to be budging from their position at this point in time.