Federal Spotlight: U.S. House to Vote Today on State Right to Work Laws Elimination
February 6, 2020
The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote later today on the PRO Act. The act, which stands for Protecting the Right to Organize, is a comprehensive bill that enacts many of the President Obama-era policies and seeks to eliminate the Right to Work Act. One of ABI’s key state legislative victories and a continued focus of the association is to protect the right to work and ensure no employee is forced to pay dues or fees to a union if he or she chooses not to belong. Congresswoman Axne and Finkenauer are cosponsors of the legislation, as is retiring Congressman Loebsack. The language in the legislation is concerning, and Iowa employers should make sure your U.S. Senator knows why it is important to oppose this legislation. Although we have every indication the bill will not move forward in the Senate, it is still important to let them know where you stand as there are already 40 Democrat cosponsors. Read a PRO Act fact sheet and why it is bad for Iowa businesses and employees.