DNR Accepting Comment on Proposed Rules and Reports
May 9, 2019
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sent out several notices to stakeholders this week regarding proposed rules and reports. One report relates to the sulfur dioxide (SO2) data requirements rule. According to the DNR, the rule requires an annual assessment of recent SO2 emissions in any area where air quality modeling of actual emissions provided the basis for designating the area attainment for the 2010 one-hour SO2 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). There are currently two areas in Iowa that are subject to the review. DNR is recommending that additional modeling is not required for attainment based on documented reduction in emissions. The DNR is accepting comment until June 7, as the report is due to the EPA by July 1. You can find the report under the DNR public participation page.
The DNR is also in the process of drafting a renewal of the Pesticides General Permit (General Permit No. 7 or “GP7”). The current general permit expires on May 17, 2021. According to the DNR, the majority of the changes proposed for GP7 are non-substantive in nature and are intended to make the permit more user-friendly. The DNR is accepting comments until May 28, and a public meeting will be held in Urbandale on May 21. View the current and proposed General Permit No. 7.
The last item the DNR is working on is rulemaking for General Permit No. 6, which is for well construction and well service discharges. The proposed permit is very similar to the current one except for a few changes for compliance with the rule. The rule is to extend GP6 for another five years, as the current permit expires in 2020. There is a public hearing on this rule on May 28. DNR is accepting comments until June 7. View the proposed permit.