Collective bargaining reforms continue to take effect
July 13, 2017
The Iowa Legislature enacted sweeping reforms to the collective bargaining process for most public sector unions during the 2017 legislative session. As we head into the new fiscal year, changes to the law continue to take effect. Beginning July 1, hundreds of state employees who are represented by AFSCME will no longer be eligible for overtime pay. The state’s previous collective bargaining agreement expired June 30. As the state faces a tight and uncertain budget, state agency directors are being asked to reevaluate their budgets, including the allotment of overtime. Under the state’s new collective bargaining law, most public sector union contract negotiations are limited to base wages. Issues such as health insurance, evaluation procedures, staff reduction and leaves of absence for political purposes are no longer negotiable. Public safety workers such as firefighters and police officers are able to negotiate over a broader scope of items. AFSCME and the state are still in contract negotiations. Read more from the Des Moines Register and Radio Iowa.