Air Quality fee stakeholder meetings conclude

July 27, 2017

ABI participated in a series of air quality stakeholder meetings that concluded Tuesday. The meetings were designed to address the topic of funding shortfalls at the air bureau. ABI presented recommendations at the Tuesday meeting reiterating ABI policy statements regarding fees and air quality general fund and fee based funding, as well as making suggestions for operating the bureau within its current fee caps by finding efficiencies, reviewing staffing levels and eliminating indirect costs.

DNR will now begin an internal review of the recommendations.  In a week or two, they will send the formalized recommendations out to stakeholders and ask for approval or disapproval within a certain timeline. After they receive feedback, they plan on meeting with DNR leadership to discuss the recommendations and the steps moving forward. Contact Nicole Crain at with questions or comments on these proposals.  

ABI’s Environment Policy Committee meets on August 17  to review this and other environmental topics. Director Gipp of the Iowa DNR will speak to the committee, as well. Click here to sign up for the meeting.