ABI antidegradation rulemaking petition advances
May 19, 2016
On May 17, Myron Linn appeared before the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) to give comments in support of a rulemaking petition and notice of intended action, to clarify the antidegradation rule and implementation procedure. In the wake of a legal case which made the antidegradation process and costs unclear and potentially extremely burdensome going forward, ABI along with the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities and the Iowa League of Cities, asked DNR to clarify the rule. The EPC unanimously approved the ABI petition and DNR’s notice of intended action. Now, the rule will proceed through the normal rulemaking process. ABI will support the rule as it moves forward, to ensure clarity for industry members in the antidegradation process. For more information contact Jessica Harder, jharder@iowaabi.org.