Get Involved
Since 1903, the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) has provided critical leadership in shaping Iowa’s business climate.
Members play an important role in this process by helping to shape ABI’s policy priorities, supporting pro-business candidates through IIPAC, sharing first hand experience with legislators and promoting political participation among peers and employees.
There are several ways to take an active role in ABI’s public policy efforts:
Public Policy Committees:
ABI members provide direct input into the development of the business agenda each year. This agenda serves as a guide for ABI’s policy team as they work with state lawmakers throughout the legislative session. Through a series of regional meetings and topical public policy committees, members can bring specific issues and concerns to the table. Peer-to-peer discussion can help find solutions to be addressed by lawmakers. If you are interested in joining a committee or would like to know more, contact Nicole Crain, 515-235-0566.
ABI has the following Public Policy Committees:
- Employment and Workforce: Focused on traditional human resources issues including health care benefits and the challenges of workforce and skill development, as well as unemployment compensation issues.
- Workplace and Product Safety: Focused on safety of any business’s most valuable resource: its people, the products and services they make and provide. This committee will address occupational safety, workers’ compensation and liability issues.
- Economic Growth: Focused on economic development issues ranging from regulation of commerce to state incentive programs to transportation of people and goods.
- Environment: Focused on issues affecting the regulated community from air, water and land.
- Tax: Focused on all forms of tax levied on business including property, income and sales and use tax.
Donations to IIPAC and the Iowans for Jobs Initiative:
Your financial contributions to ABI’s political efforts help the Association support candidates who understand the importance of a favorable business climate in Iowa. These contributions are also critically important to ABI’s work in promoting pro-business legislation and stopping proposals that would harm Iowa companies and workers.
Learn more about ABI’s Iowa Industry Political Action Committee and the Iowans for Jobs Initiative.
Participation in Public Policy Events
ABI hosts dozens of public policy events throughout the year for members to engage with lawmakers, stay up-to-date on the latest legislative activity and help establish Association priorities.
The annual ABI Legislative Briefing and Reception (January) and Business Day on the Hill (March) provide members an opportunity to speak directly with legislators and other state officials about important issues facing Iowa businesses.
Throughout the legislative session, ABI offers monthly Legislative Update Teleconferences exclusively for members to provide an update on activity at the Capitol. ABI’s Regional Public Policy Meetings offer a chance for members to meet with public policy team as they travel the state to provide a synopsis at the end of the legislative session.
See upcoming public policy events and sponsorship opportunities
Participation Get Out the Vote Efforts
As an organization, ABI believes that when employers and employees share information in a nonpartisan way, more Iowans will appreciate the importance of state and federal elections and our families, communities, state and democracy will benefit. In fact, research shows that an employer is the most trusted source for information on political and public policy information.
Furthermore, those employees who hear from their employers about an election are more likely to research candidates or issues independently and more likely to vote. ABI, in partnership with the Business and Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC), has tools and resources to help employers engage their employees in the political process.
Research shows that employees trust their employers more than any other source for information on political and public policy information. Those employees who hear from their employers about an election are more likely to research candidates or issues independently and more likely to vote.