ABI's Political Action Committee is dedicated to supporting candidates who understand the importance of fostering a pro-business climate in Iowa. The Iowa Industry Political Action Committee (IIPAC) is a way for ABI members to actively participate in the political process. Your financial support is imperative for the unified voice for business to be heard at the Capitol and around the state.
IIPAC is governed by a board of directors. ABI’s PAC must report all contributions and expenditures. You can view the ABI PAC reports here.
Who does IIPAC support?
IIPAC supports Democrat and Republican candidates for statewide and legislative offices in the state of Iowa. IIPAC does not endorse or support federal or local candidates. IIPAC endorses candidates in open seats, incumbents and challenger races. Click here to see candidates who received Friend of Iowa Business endorsements in 2018.
How do I invest in IIPAC?
Contribute online using the form below. Click here to download a printable form, which you can send with your check made out to "IIPAC" to:
400 East Court Ave., Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50309
You may also call Nicole Crain at 515-235-0566.
What type of contributions do you take?
IIPAC accepts personal contributions. If you are a business organized as an LLC or an LLP we may accept your contribution (Iowa Administrative Rule 351—4.44). NO corporate contributions allowed. Contributions are not tax deductible.
If you are interested in making a corporate contribution, please consider an investment in the Iowans for Jobs Initiative.
What other options do I have to support ABI's public policy and political efforts?
ABI, through the Iowans for Jobs Initiative, often gets involved in grassroots education on important public policy issues ranging from property tax reform to right-to-work protection. You can see samples of what we do. If you, and your company, are interested in helping ABI's grassroots efforts please contact Nicole Crain at 515-235-0566. Your corporate contributions will help educate the public about the importance of pro-jobs policies.
Make your contribution online now:
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.