You Are the Reason for ABI's Success
January 2, 2020 | Mike Ralston
ABI is not a political organization; it's a business organization. That said, our award-winning public policy work is some of the most important we conduct every year.
Year in and year out, ABI is always at or near the top of any list of organizations that successfully impact policy development in Iowa. That's good, because that is what ABI members expect and demand.
There are many reasons ABI's public policy work is so successful. We provide our members with all the tools you would expect of a successful public policy organization. ABI has a political action committee, a grassroots organizing tool, a nonpartisan elections resource and all the technology you would expect. We also have on staff some of Iowa's very best public policy and communications professionals.
However, while those things are critically important, the real reason for ABI's success is YOU. When you develop a personal relationship with your legislative delegation and when you invite public officials into your plant or office, you are doing the very best thing possible to help advance pro-business policy in Iowa.
One way to develop that personal relationship is to participate in next week's ABI annual Legislative Briefing and Reception. You will hear the latest from the ABI public policy team and then meet with Gov. Kim Reynolds, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, and more legislators from both parties and both chambers than you will see at any other similar event. And you will have fun doing it.
If you haven't already done so, go now and register for next week's event. We'll see you Wednesday in Des Moines.
Finally, let me remind you it is not too early to make your plans to join ABI for the 2020 Taking Care of Business Conference in June in Cedar Rapids. Don't miss it! And best wishes for a prosperous and healthy new year.