Weekly Business Report Highlights Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council
April 9, 2021
This week, Dr. Jeff Weld with the Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council highlighted the importance of the Teacher Externships Program and how businesses can help promote the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
Read more about the Iowa STEM Teacher Externships Program: https://iowastem.org/externships
Jason Lang, Project Coordinator of the Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council, explains how the benefits that result from connecting classrooms to career ideas last more than just a summer: https://iowaabi.org/news/blog/stem-teacher-externships-connecting-classroom-to-career/
You can reach Dr. Weld at weld@IowaSTEM.org and ABI Executive Vice President Nicole Crain at ncrain@iowaabi.org.