From the Desk of Pat Pithan
February 17, 2022 | Pat Pithan

When it comes to business solutions, there are a lot of questions you can ask. Perhaps the most important is also the simplest: "What's the point?" Today, we'll ask that very question about one big business solution: managed print services.
The Point of Managed Print Services
When you hear the term "managed print services", you may think it refers to some sort of outsourcing situation where a faceless third-party company rules your print environment.That could not be further from the truth.
In fact, the real "point" of managed print services is to make your print environment better, stronger, and more efficient in whatever way works best for you and your organization.While some tasks and concerns may be outsourced like the ones you don't want or have the resources to deal with, the rest stays within your control.
Here are a few examples of managed print services in action:
- Company A uses managed print sparingly. Company A wants to maintain control over every little detail in their print environment, so their provider only gives advice and recommendations when necessary. Otherwise, the provider helps Company A by implementing the chosen tools and solutions.
- Company B is comfortably in the middle. Their provider manages the little day-to-day stuff like automating supply orders, and they deal with the bigger issues, like which machines to buy. It's Company B's perfect combination of responsibility and freedom.
- Company C relies on its provider for just about everything. While they like having a say in things that impact their unique workflows and company culture, they're happy to trust their managed print services provider with solutions, recommendations, implementation, and security.
In these examples, one thing is clear: The point of managed print services is not to take over your print environment but to support it in whatever way you feel is best as your needs change.
So the Point Is...
Although managed print solutions comes with a long list of benefits, the real point is to help you use your print environment to your advantage. The solutions and approaches involved are totally up to you. That's what makes managed print so powerful.
Want to learn more about managed print services?
Contact me today: Call 515-251-1501.