Employment and Workforce Public Policy Meeting
- DateAugust 13, 2024
- Time 11:30 AM
- LocationABI Offices | 400 East Court Ave. - Suite 100 | Des Moines, Iowa 50309
- Categories Public Policy, Members Only
- ContactMichelle Vollstedt 515-235-0561 mvollstedt@iowaabi.org
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Mission Statement
To advocate for legislation and policies that support mutually beneficial employment relationships free from government intrusions in the free market. To advocate for workforce initiatives, a market-driven employee benefit system and a fiscally sound unemployment compensation system providing benefits to those who become unemployed through no fault of their own.
ABI Employment and Workforce Committee Agenda
11:15 AM - Registration
11:30 AM - Lunch with Guest Speaker: Tim Goodwin, Chief Strategy Officer for Iowa Workforce Development
12:30 PM - Committee Discussion of Public Policy Positions
2:15 PM - Wrap-up