Employment and Workforce Public Policy Meeting

  • DateAugust 13, 2024
  • Time 11:30 AM
  • LocationABI Offices | 400 East Court Ave. - Suite 100 | Des Moines, Iowa 50309
  • Categories Public Policy, Members Only

Mission Statement
To advocate for legislation and policies that support mutually beneficial employment relationships free from government intrusions in the free market. To advocate for workforce initiatives, a market-driven employee benefit system and a fiscally sound unemployment compensation system providing benefits to those who become unemployed through no fault of their own.  

ABI Employment and Workforce Committee Agenda

11:15 AM - Registration

11:30 AM - Lunch with Guest Speaker: Tim Goodwin, Chief Strategy Officer for Iowa Workforce Development

12:30 PM - Committee Discussion of Public Policy Positions  

2:15 PM - Wrap-up  

  • Alliant Energy