Environment Public Policy Meeting

  • DateAugust 7, 2024
  • Time 11:30 AM
  • LocationABI Offices | 400 East Court Ave. - Suite 100 | Des Moines, Iowa 50309
  • Categories Public Policy, Members Only

Mission Statement

To inform members about state and federal environmental legislation, regulations and policy. ABI advocates for environmental legislation and regulations based on sound science to eliminate burdensome provisions. ABI promotes commonsense practices and legislation to protect and improve the quality of our state’s natural resources while supporting business and industry growth that improves the quality of life for all Iowans.

ABI Environment Committee Agenda

11:15 AM - Registration

11:30 AM - Lunch with Guest Speakers: Sarah Piziali, Iowa Department of Natural Resources Air Quality Bureau Chief

12:30 PM - Committee Discussion of Public Policy Positions  

2:15 PM - Wrap-up  

2:30 PM - Adjournment

  • Alliant Energy
  • Arconic