Webinar: PM2.5 NAAQS Update featuring Iowa DNR
- DateMay 14, 2024
- Time 11:30 AM
- LocationVirtual
- Categories Public Policy, Other
- ContactMichelle Vollstedt 515-235-0561 mvollstedt@iowaabi.org
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The EPA has published a new air quality standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5 with implications for manufacturers and regulated industries throughout the country. What does that mean for Iowa manufacturers? What is the implementation timeline? Join the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) and CIRAS (Center for Industrial Research and Service at ISU) in this interactive meeting.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Air Quality Bureau Chief, Sarah Piziali and members of the air quality bureau regulatory team will join manufacturers to provide an update on the new standard and what happens in Iowa. The DNR team will also provide an update on proposed changes to the state’s modeling guidance. At the end of the time, participants will have an opportunity to ask questions of DNR.