Environment Committee Meeting
- DateNovember 2, 2023
- Time 10:00 AM
- LocationABI Offices | 400 East Court Ave. - Suite 100 | Des Moines, Iowa 50309
- Categories Public Policy, Members Only
- ContactMichelle Vollstedt 515-235-0561 mvollstedt@iowaabi.org
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We have scheduled a meeting of the ABI Environment Committee at 10:00 am on November 2 at the ABI office in Des Moines. Iowa’s Attorney General Brenna Bird will address the committee at the beginning of the meeting. She will provide an insight to the role of her office and some of the work she is doing on behalf of Iowa RE: EPA regulations. We hope you will participate in person, but a virtual option is available. Please RSVP to Michelle Vollstedt your plans to attend so we know how much food to order.