2019 ABI Tax Public Policy Meeting
- DateAugust 15, 2019
- Time 11:30 AM
- LocationABI Offices | 400 East Court Ave. - Suite 100 | Des Moines, Iowa 50309
- Categories Public Policy
- ContactMichelle Vollstedt 5152350561 mvollstedt@iowaabi.org
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Mission Statement
To advocate for changes in Iowa law that will lead to business growth in Iowa. ABI favors continued efforts to reduce the overall tax burden in Iowa. There is a need for consistency and stability in government taxation. Iowa must live within its means to deliver better quality service for less cost, be accountable and continue to operate under a full accrual accounting basis. As guideposts for any tax system, ABI supports equity, simplicity, predictability, and government accountability.
ABI Tax Committee Agenda
11:15 AM - Registration
11:30 AM – Lunch with Special Guest Speaker - Director Paulsen
12:30 PM - Committee Discussion of Public Policy Positions
2:15 PM - Wrap-up
2:30 PM - Adjournment