This Week: Final Board Meeting of 2017 - Monday Memo 11/6/17
November 6, 2017
Board, Executive Committee to Meet Wednesday; Board Information Sent Last Week
Both the ABI Board of Directors and the ABI Executive Committee will meet Wednesday (November 8). ABI Chair David Zrostlik (Stellar Industries, Garner) will call to order the final board meeting of 2017 at 11:30 a.m. at the ABI office in Des Moines.
A guest address by Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and the usual operational reports are on tap. In addition, the board will receive the annual audit and will review a number of other important items. The meeting will conclude with your business updates, always one of the highlights of any ABI meeting.
If you haven't already done so, please register your attendance by simply replying to this message. I'll make sure you are registered.
A link to access the usual packet of reports and reference materials was distributed by email last week. If you did not receive that message, please let me know and the information will be sent to you at once. In the meantime and on behalf of our ABI officers, I look forward to seeing you Wednesday.
2018 ABI Legislative Reception on January 10
One of the association's most popular events is the annual legislative reception. ABI members are proud that the reception has traditionally drawn more Iowa legislators (of both parties) than similar events hosted by any other organization. All 150 legislators and Governor Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Gregg have again been invited to join you at the 2018 reception, which will be held January 10 (the same day as the January ABI Board Meeting) at the Iowa Taproom, just steps from the ABI office in downtown Des Moines.
Mark your calendars now. You can register for the event and find more information about the event by clicking on this link: Your attendance at this important event is essential for ABI to advance its pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda.
ABI and AARP Sponsor Caregivers Webinar
As you read last week, in conjunction with the American Association of Retired Persons, ABI is sponsoring a webinar to support and assist caregivers in the workplace. There are many components to this issue, but for many ABI members, it has a real impact on your workforce.
This hour-long webinar will be presented on November 14. Your HR staff and others can register for this free webinar here:®Tag=&sourcepage=register. The webinar will be taped for viewing at a later date as well.
Jefferson ABI Connecting Statewide Leaders Draws Huge Crowd
The first event in the 2017-2018 Connecting Statewide Leaders series was held last Thursday in Jefferson. A huge crowd was on hand to join the Leadership Iowa class in listening to an address by Iowa Economic Development Authority Debi Durham and participate in manufacturing tours. Special thanks to ABI board members who made the trip: Tim Bianco (Iowa Spring, Adel), Brent Kjellberg (Pella Corporation, Carroll), Todd Sommerfeld (Kreg Tool, Huxley), Krista Tanner (ITC Midwest, Des Moines), and former board member Nate Weaton (Weaton Capital, Fairfield).
Conference Committee Meets This Week; Breakout RFPs due December 1
Committee Chair Donna Popp-Bruesewitz (Stellar Industries, Garner) and the members of the ABI Conference Committee will meet Wednesday in Des Moines. The committee is putting together plans for a spectacular 2018 Taking Care of Business Conference.
Speaking of the annual conference, now is the time for interested parties to submit their responses to the breakout session RFP. Conference attendees have given very high marks to the breakout sessions in recent years and much of that is due to the very competitive process related to those sessions. The deadline for proposals is December 1 and you can click here for more information:
The conference will be held in Iowa City-Coralville June 5-7 of next year. Mark your calendars now and watch for more information soon.
CIRAS Presents Leadership Summit November 16
In last week’s Memo, I mentioned that the Center for Industrial Research and Service at Iowa State University is a key ABI partner. CIRAS provides a great many resources for Iowa businesses. ABI is a co-sponsor of an upcoming leadership summit being produced by CIRAS. The summit will be presented from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on November 16. It will be held at the conference center at Prairie Meadows in Altoona. To register or learn more, please go to: CIRAS events always provide value.
NAM Report Documents Growth
Last week's Monday Economic Report from the National Association of Manufacturers presented information that confirms growth in the American economy. There is a lot of great information in the bulletin and, while the outlook is somewhat static for now, greater growth in the economy is called for in calendar year 2018. If you wish to read the report, please contact me and I will send it to you at once.
Jim Tyler Honored at Hawkeye Game
Thank you to several members of the ABI Board who emailed me with some special news. They told me that the University of Iowa honors veterans at home football games in Kinnick Stadium. The honoree on October 28 was a veteran of World War II, a combat pilot, and a great Iowan.
It was former ABI Chair Jim Tyler (Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Atlantic). I’ve seen the video of the event, so I know that Jim snapped off several crisp salutes to the Hawkeye faithful and they roared their gratitude for his service. It was a special moment for a special man. Congratulations, Jim Tyler!
ITC Midwest to Celebrate 10th Anniversary in Iowa
In one month, ABI member ITC Midwest will mark its tenth anniversary in Iowa. The company was created when ITC Holdings purchased the transmission system of the former Interstate Power & Light Company. ITC Midwest now operates nearly 7,000 circuit miles in its region and has invested millions of dollars in rebuilds of its infrastructure. Congratulations on 10 big years to everyone at ITC Midwest, including its CEO, ABI Board Member Krista Tanner (ITC Midwest, Des Moines)!
Story Construction Christens New Headquarters
Longtime ABI member Story Construction has built a brand new headquarters building, to be known as The Hub (in construction, The Hub marks important survey points, work points, or reference points which remain in place for future use). This beautiful new building was christened with the hosting of a special event by the Ames Chamber of Commerce last Wednesday.
The new building is a fantastic addition to Ames and a great testament to Story. Congratulations to everyone there, including Story President and ABI Board Member Mike Espeset (Story Construction, Ames)!
Cindy Dietz Celebrates Today
Longtime ABI Board Member Cindy Dietz (Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids) celebrates her birthday today. ABI joins people all across Iowa and beyond in sending happy birthday wishes to Cindy Dietz!
The Business of ABI; Strong Results in 2017
Editor's Note: The following is a message that has become a tradition about this time each year; it has been edited for accuracy and so that it objectively applies to the current year.
When I created the Monday Memo, my goal was to provide you with sort of an “inside baseball” view of what is happening at ABI each week. Too many times, this weekly memo becomes simply a list of upcoming events. Given that, I especially like to share news related to developments and projects (other than events) and news of what is happening with your fellow board members and past chairs. And, I like to share news regarding what I call the business of ABI.
The business of ABI refers to key information about the metrics that provide insights as to whether or not our association is achieving the goals you establish for it every year. In that regard and in keeping with a tradition started over a decade ago, I typically share some information in the memo that appears the week of the final board meeting of the year to provide some information about association results during the past 12 months.
For many years, I listed several bullet points related to ABI's work in public policy, programs, with the work of the ABI Foundation, and as it pertains to our operational and financial success. Because that became repetitive, I took a different tack the last few years and I'll do that again now.
Let me simply say that ABI experienced strong results in 2017. I need to point out that is not just rhetoric. Simply saying something is the case does not make it so. In measurable ways, ABI enjoyed success this year. When it comes to public policy advocacy, membership growth, participation in events, conference revenue, Foundation programs, creation of new initiatives, and in so many other ways, 2017 has been a truly record-breaking year.
ABI board members demand results. Thanks to your leadership and thanks to a hard-working staff at both ABI and the ABI Foundation, strong results were achieved. THANK YOU.