Legislative Call Friday - Monday Memo 2/16/15
February 16, 2015
Legislative Update Teleconference Friday
ABI Vice President Government Relations Nicole Crain, Policy and Political Affairs Counsel Rachel Geilenfeld, and Policy and Regulatory Affairs Coordinator Zach Dalluge Director will host another in a series of teleconferences designed to give you the very latest information from the Statehouse. Updates on bills, legislative proposals, state actions, and other matters are covered in each call. Your specific questions about those topics are also very much welcomed.
The next call will be held this coming Friday, February 20, at 9:00 a.m. and you and your employees are encouraged to participate. The call is free as a part of your ABI membership, but please register athttp://www.cvent.com/events/2015-abi-legislative-update-teleconference/event-summary-d4c0dd549dd94ea28d23f6354948d131.aspx.
Business Day on the Hill Less Than Month Away
The 2015 version of ABI Day on the Hill will be held Tuesday, March 10. The program begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. at the State Historical Building (plenty of convenient free parking is available directly across the street in a parking ramp). Following a continental breakfast and an exclusive update with the latest information from the General Assembly, participants will be taken to the Capitol for meetings with legislators and other leaders.
You'll have plenty of time to speak with your legislators, look around Iowa's beautiful Statehouse, and conduct other business. Register now at http://www.iowaabi.org/index.cfm/11274/63664/iowa_business_day_on_the_hill.
This year, ABI Day on the Hill has become Business Day on the Hill, as our association is partnering with the Iowa Chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business. On behalf our officers, thank you in advance for your participation in this year’s event.
Iowa House Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer Headlines Annual IIPAC Luncheon
The Majority Leader of the Iowa House of Representatives is Linda Upmeyer of Clear Lake. Majority Leader Upmeyer has proven to be an effective leader and a champion for business.
The Iowa Industry Political Action Committee, ABI's political arm, is pleased to announce that the Majority Leader will join IIPAC contributors for this year's annual IIPAC luncheon. The luncheon will be held at ABI on March 10 (the same day as Business Day on the Hill).
YOU should be a contributor to IIPAC (I am) and I hope you will participate in the luncheon. On behalf of IIPAC Chair Kirk Tyler (Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Waukee), please consider this your personal invitation to attend. You can make your donation that day, or go now to http://www.iowaabi.org/index.cfm?nodeID=12485&audienceID=1 and do it today. You won't want to miss the opportunity to hear from a key statehouse leader, so make your plans now to join IIPAC on March 10.
ABI Board Will Meet March 10
The next ABI leadership meeting will be a meeting of the ABI Board of Directors on Tuesday, March 10, in Des Moines. ABI Chair Mark Hanawalt (United Equipment Accessories, Waverly) will lead the meeting, which will be held at the ABI Office in downtown Des Moines.
In addition to the latest news from the Statehouse, a full agenda will be on tap for the meeting and I hope you can all attend. Watch for the usual packet of materials to arrive in your email in-basket about a week in advance of the meeting date. Board members may register now at http://www.cvent.com/events/march-abi-board-meeting/event-summary-40d5afd114c44e779d90471cdf8c31cc.aspx.
Latest BRIowa Now Out; John Krogman on the Cover
The Des Moines Business Record is a great ABI member and partner. The business weekly covers central Iowa and, once a month when it publishes (in conjunction with ABI) Business Record Iowa, it is a statewide newspaper.
The latest edition of Business Record Iowa, ABI's monthly newsprint magazine, is now out and it should be in your mailbox by now. If you haven't received it, please contact me and we'll get another copy out to you right away.
In addition to the latest news about ABI members and programs, the focus of this edition is on ESOPs. ABI Executive Committee Member John Krogman (Connect-A-Dock, Atlantic) is on the cover of this month's magazine. Look for it in your in-box now.
Leadership Iowa University in Cedar Falls Next Week
The ABI Foundation's newest program is Leadership Iowa University. This exciting program involves the participation of Iowa college students (be they from one of Iowa's community colleges, private colleges, state universities, or even Iowa students attending school out of state) in a multi-session program focused on our state and its many opportunities.
The 2014-2015 LIU Class will meet again next week on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. Look for news about the program at the next board meeting.
Advisory Council Meeting Thursday
Members of the ABI Advisory Council provide leadership in many ways. Certainly their financial support to ABI is important, but of even greater value are the people and information these great companies provide to ABI members.
The council will hold its monthly meeting this Thursday in Des Moines. Please join me in thanking the members of the council. They are ATW Training and Consulting, BCC Advisers, Bergan Paulsen, Brick Gentry P.C.,BrownWinick, CIRAS, CliftonLarsonAllen, EMC, Global Reach, Great Western Bank, LMC, Manpower,Measured Intentions, Principal Financial Group, QPS Employment Group, Spindustry, Transition Point Business Advisors, and Wellmark.
Next ABI Connecting Statewide Leaders Forum March 5 in Fairfield
The next event in ABI's Connecting Statewide Leaders series will be held March 5 in Fairfield. A high-value panel, networking, and a luncheon will all be a part of the program, which will be held at the beautiful Fairfield Arts and Convention Center in downtown Fairfield.
These programs are simply great ways to gain information and connect with your fellow ABI members, Leadership Iowa Class members, local business leaders, and others. And we appreciate the reports we hear about sales/deals being made during these events, too.
If you are in SE Iowa, join us for these events on March 5. For more information and to register, click onhttp://www.cvent.com/events/connecting-statewide-leaders/event-summary-6bc29643d5e94b31a72f8ed2084f0374.aspx.
Accumold Expands ... Again
It is fun to see the incredible growth being experienced by many ABI member companies. One of those isAccumold, located a short distance east of Interstate 35 in Ankeny.
Just a couple of years ago, Accumold significantly expanded its manufacturing operations. Last week, the company announced another expansion. Accumold will break ground this spring on a 40,000-square-foot, $10 million expansion. The project will nearly double the company's workforce by adding more than 200 employees in the next three years. Congratulations to everyone at Accumold, including company President and ABI Executive Committee Member Roger Hargens (Accumold, Ankeny)!
NAM to Honor Senator Grassley Tomorrow; Charles Sukup Will Celebrate Birthday
The National Association of Manufacturers will again honor U.S. Senator Charles Grassley with its Award for Legislative Excellence. The award, which honors Senator Grassley's long history of pro-manufacturing leadership, will be held tomorrow at the brand new headquarters of a longtime ABI member, Sukup Manufacturing Company in Sheffield.
Speaking of Sukup, company president and former ABI Chair Charles Sukup (Sukup Manufacturing Co., Sheffield) will celebrate his birthday tomorrow. Congratulations to Senator Grassley and to Charles!
Governor to Tour Pella Corporation Carroll Operations
Iowa Governor Terry E. Branstad is a strong supporter of Iowa manufacturing and often tours ABI-member facilities. In that regard, he will be touring several member plants next week and one is a plant of an ABI board member.
Wednesday afternoon, Governor Branstad will again tour the Carroll operations of Pella Corporation, a high-tech, state of the art facility. Congratulations to Pella Corporation and to ABI past Chair Myron R. Linn (Pella Corporation, Pella) and newly-elected ABI Board Member Brent Kjellberg (Pella Corporation, Carroll)!
Fisher Marks 135 year of Innovation, Emerson 125 years of Success
2015 is a significant year for Emerson and its Fisher subsidiary. The parent company is 125 years old this year and Fisher is 135 years old. Congratulations to both organizations and to one of its key leaders, ABI Vice Chair Paul Gregoire (Emerson Fisher, Marshalltown)!