Executive Committee to Meet - Monday Memo 7/11/16
July 11, 2016
Wednesday is the Date for First FY17 Executive Committee Teleconference
The first meeting of the ABI Executive Committee for the new fiscal year will be held Wednesday. ABI Chair Lori Schaefer-Weaton (Agri-Industrial Plastics Company, Fairfield) and members of the committee will act on a full agenda of reports and action items. News regarding any developments will be a part of the September meeting of the ABI Board of Directors.
Business Horizons 2016 One Week Away
Business Horizons 2016, the ABI Foundation’s annual entrepreneurism experience for high school students, kicks off a week from yesterday at Central College in Pella. Members of the class, which numbers about 100 students, will graduate in a special ceremony to be held Thursday, July 21.
Thank you to those of you who have provided help for this popular annual program. Your employees, whether they serve as industry advisors or in other roles, play a critical role in the longtime success of this important program. Look for a full report on this year’s BH session at the September meeting of the ABI Board of Directors.
IIPAC Board to Meet; Needs Your Support
The Iowa Industry Political Action Committee is ABI's political arm. The organization is chaired by former ABI Chair Kirk Tyler (Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Waukee). Now is the time of the year that IIPAC is heavily engaged in raising money to support pro-business candidates for state offices.
If you have already contributed to IIPAC this year, thank you. If you haven't, now is the time. Go to https://www.iowaabi.org/public-policy/iipac/ to make your donation today. Again, many of you (and many of us on staff) have already made contributions. As the rest of you get ready to make yours, thank you in advance for your support.
The IIPAC Board of Directors will meet July 22nd to review the latest information about the upcoming election. Watch for more news as it develops.
New Board Member Orientations Continue
Orientations continue with ABI's newly-elected board members. As I have mentioned in recent memos, you will have the opportunity to meet the new board members in September.
This week, orientations will be held with two new board members, Michele Farrell (Measured Intentions, Urbandale) and Christine Carlson (Hillphoneix Specialty Products, Keosauqua). An orientation will also be conducted with the honorary Leadership Iowa board representative, Kelly Barrick (The Private Bank, West Des Moines) . Thank you to these women and to all the newly-elected board members.
2016 Leadership Iowa University Class to Meet in August; Be Highlighted in Elevate
In addition to Business Horizons, other ABI Foundation programs are also quite active. The Foundation's newest program, Leadership Iowa University, will kick-off its 2016 class next month. College students from around Iowa will participate (it is not too late to nominate them, by the way) and gain the valuable experience that comes with being a part of LIU.
One of the things students tells us they value most about LIU is interaction with you, ABI members. Each year, the networking session that is a part of the first week of LIU is quite popular. LIU will be held in Des Moines (and surrounding communities) the week of August 7. Watch for more information soon about ways you can interact with the class.
And, ABI's Elevate Advanced Manufacturing initiative is also busy. Elevate wants to highlight your manufacturing company. You can complete a simple form to be featured on the http://www.elevateiowa.com/ website. For the form or with questions, please email Alex Monaghan at amonaghan@measuredintentions.com. .
Annual Policy Development Meetings Set
Speaking of ABI's public policy work, the association's annual policy committee meetings have already been scheduled. Please go to https://www.iowaabi.org/events/ to register for the committee meetings of interest to you and your employees. The ABI Board of Directors will act on the recommendations of these committees at the September board meeting.
Legends in Manufacturing Dinner Coming Up in October
The first-ever Legends in Manufacturing Awards Banquet was held last year to much acclaim. The second annual dinner will be held this coming October, on the 3rd of the month. NOW is the time to submit your nominations for one of these coveted awards. You can do so by clicking on http://www.elevateiowa.com/about/elevate-legends-nominations.
Annual ABI Executive Open in August
Remember that registration is now open for the eighth annual ABI Executive Open. This popular annual event will be held Monday, August 29. As you know, the past three events have sold-out and we expect that will be the case again this year. Join us for golf, fun, and networking.
The ABI Executive Open will again be held at Des Moines Gold and Country Club in West Des Moines, one of Iowa's most exclusive private clubs. This is a fabulous course and registration is now open for this always-great event. Please click on http://www.cvent.com/events/abi-executive-open-2016/event-summary-78ef26d7ecd4489696463f1d84494bd2.aspx to register now. See you at Des Moines Golf in August!
NAM Report Predicts Stronger Economy
As ABI seeks to gain insights into what lies ahead for member businesses, a reliable source predicts economic gains in the coming months. The Monday Economic Report, published by the National Association of Manufacturers, provides data that suggests growth is ahead. Please contact me if you wish to read the report for yourself.
Roger Hargens Pens Great Register Essay
Longtime ABI Board Member Roger Hargens (Accumold, Ankeny) is a national leader in innovative manufacturing. As such, he was the perfect person to write a terrific essay published in Saturday's Des Moines Register.
Roger's essay focuses on the way manufacturing can advance Iowa and especially on the great careers that can be found in manufacturing. It is a wonderful testament to Iowa manufacturing. Thank you for sharing it, Roger! Click here to read Roger's essay for yourself: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/abetteriowa/2016/07/08/manufacturing-builds-toward-brighter-future-iowa/86820580/.
Myron Linn to Celebrate Birthday
Former ABI Chair Myron Linn (Pella Corporation, Pella) will celebrate his birthday on Sunday (July 17). ABI sends best birthday wishes to Myron!