Executive Committee Meets Next Week - Monday memo 11/28/22
November 28, 2022
ABI Executive Committee to Hold Final 2022 Meeting Next Wednesday; First 2023 Board Meeting January
The ABI Executive Committee, chaired by Kim Augspurger (Pigott, Des Moines), will hold its final meeting of the calendar year a week from Wednesday. After that, the next ABI leadership meeting will be held in January. The first ABI Board of Directors meeting of 2023 will be held on Wednesday, January 11.
Your attendance at this meeting and at the ABI Legislative Briefing and Reception that follows is essential. Please finalize your plans to attend these events. Please go to Summary - Legislative Briefing and Reception (cvent.com) for registration and event information related to the legislative briefing and reception. Thank you in advance for making the ABI events of January 11 a priority.
Tomorrow: #Giving Tuesday
As you read about in this memo previously (and likely have seen mentioned in other sources), tomorrow is #GivingTuesday. The hashtag signifies a global day of giving fueled by social media and collaboration. The event is celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely-represented shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Should you participate in #GivingTuesday (I do, on behalf of the ABI Foundation), please consider the ABI Foundation. Please contact ABI Foundation Vice President Director Becky Coady for more information at rcoady@iowaabi.org or at (515) 235-0569.
Leadership Iowa Class Headed to Ames
The third session of the 2022-2023 Leadership Iowa Class will be held later this week. Class members will meet Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for a session in Ames.
The session will focus on innovation and technology and a terrific slate of speakers is on tap. Watch for a full report at the January ABI Board Meeting.
Annual Shine Bros. Holiday Event is December 16 – Company Celebrates 120 Years!
Each year, the good folks at longtime ABI member company Shine Bros. Corp. host a terrific holiday gathering. After taking a hiatus due to COVID, the celebration returns this year and you, ABI board members and former board chairs, are invited.
The 2022 event will be held December 16 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the company’s Spencer headquarters. Many of you have attended this event in past years and know that it is a great time for fellowship and good cheer. If you have questions or need information, please contact/RSVP to Vicki at Shine Bros. at (712) 262-5579, extension 113, or vicki@shinebros.com. In the meantime, thank you to former ABI Chair Toby Shine (Shine Bros. Corp., Spencer) and former ABI Board Member Eva Shine (Shine Bros. Corp., Spencer) for the invitation!
As I noted in a message to you last week, I am embarrassed to say that I did not know that Shine Bros. is 120 years old in 2022! That is an incredible milestone and ABI sends its best wishes to Toby and Sylvia, Eva, Keven, and their whole family – congratulations all around! As is the case with every ABI member, the Shine Bros. story is a great one and you can read about it here: History (shinebros.com). And again, congratulations!
ABI to Host Connecting Leaders Event December 1 in Ames; HR Webinar December 8
ABI will host the next in a series of Connecting Statewide Leaders events in Ames later this week. Following that event, which will be held Thursday (12/1) and features a terrific panel of manufacturing leaders, attendees will join the Leadership Iowa class for lunch. You can register for the Connecting Statewide Leaders event now at Summary - Connecting Statewide Leaders - Ames (cvent.com).
ABI is also hosting an HR webinar in December. On the 8th, ABI Advisory Council Member G&A Partners has developed the seminar, which will focus on insights regarding emerging priorities and trends that will impact your business in the coming year. Please click here for more information or to register: Exploring HR Trends in 2023 | G&A Partners (gnapartners.com).
Final 2022 Quarterly ABI Iowa Business Survey to be Conducted
Later today, you will receive the final ABI Board of Directors Quarterly Economic Survey of 2022. The survey message will arrive in your in-box this afternoon and I hope you will act on it quickly.
When you click on the survey link that will be a part of the message, you will find a very simple and easy to complete survey. Please complete the survey as soon as possible and look for the results to be shared with you the following week.
NAM: Manufacturing Production Notches Increase; Durable Goods Orders Up
Last week’s Monday Economic Report, published by the National Association of Manufacturers, carried news that manufacturing production increased in October for the fourth straight month. The rise was small (about a half of a percentage point), but an increase nonetheless.
Today’s Monday Economic Report, received in time to include in this memo, leads with a story about increased orders for durable goods. It is always great to have positive news to start the week. To read more about these items and other positive data, reply to this memo and I will forward the reports at once.
Weaton Men Named All-State, All-District
The Head Football Coach of the Fairfield Trojans must be doing something right, as the Trojans enjoyed a strong season and saw several players receive post-season honors. The coach, of course, is ABI Board Member and Iowa manufacturing leader Nate Weaton (Weaton Companies, Fairfield). And two of the players receiving honors have names that ABI members know. Senior wide receiver Max Weaton was a FIRST TEAM ALL-STATE selection. His brother, junior tight end/outside linebacker Sam Weaton, was named All-District Honorable Mention. Congratulations to everyone involved for these honors!
Editor’s Note: Max Weaton is being heavily recruited by some major FBS (NCAA Division I to those of us of a certain age) programs. There is even a rumor that former ABI Chair/ABI Foundation Chair Lori Schaefer-Weaton (Agri-Industrial Plastics Company, Fairfield) was seen purchasing Cardinal and Gold apparel for Nate to wear on one of the recruiting visits (we’ve all seen Nate in a lot of Black and Old Gold, but not Cardinal and Gold). Nate was able to wear his Black and Old Gold on a different recruiting visit. Good luck to Max (and Nate and Lori and their family) as he makes his decision!
Gilliland All-State
Another football player with ABI ties was named FIRST TEAM ALL-STATE, as Van Meter Quarterback Ben Gilliland was named to the team last week. Congratulations to Ben and to his parents, ABI Member John Gilliland (Gilliland Group – RBC Wealth Management, Des Moines) and Holly Gilliland!