How Secure is my Business?

October 8, 2021 | Responding to the Storm: How Iowa Utilities Reacted to the Derecho Denny Fisher, Chief Client Experience Officer, ACS,

It can be difficult for leaders to know how atrisk their organization is when it comes to cybersecurity. Many rely solely on the expertise of their internal team to protect critical data and systems without question. The age-old mantra “Trust but Verify” is vital when it comes to cybersecurity. You may not be aware, but C-level executives and board members can be held personally liable in the event of a cyber breach. If questioned, could you say with certainty that your company is doing all it can to protect corporate and client information? A cybersecurity assessment can help you understand where the threats lie and how to mitigate risk to the company and yourself.

Things to look for in a cybersecurity assessment:

1. Conducted by a certified cybersecurity professional and Based on Nationally Recognized Standards Ensure the assessment is completed by a knowledgeable cybersecurity expert. The organization you engage should hold nationally recognized certificates such as the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certificate. This designation is one of the top certifications in the world for cybersecurity and is based on globally recognized standards. The assessment should be based on nationally recognized standards and should review more than just your technology environment.

2. Easy to understand

The assessment should provide the information in an easy-to-understand format so that both your technical decision makers and non-technical decisionmakers can understand the information and take action.

3. Evolves with the Threat Landscape

Cyber criminals are always evolving their tactics. Just as businesses innovate to stay relevant, so much hacking techniques, therefore the assessment must consider the changing tides of the threat landscape. If the assessment doesn’t consider new threats and tactics, the results will be outdated before you even begin.