The 2018 Legislative Session is Near Conclusion
Adjournment of the 2018 Iowa legislative session is within sight. We are just four days away from the 100th day of the session, when per diem expenses for legislators expire. Lawmakers are looking to wrap up their work for the year and then head out on the campaign trail where they will make their case for why they should be sent back to Des Moines.
Following the second funnel, which occurred a month ago, legislators turned their focus from policy issues to putting together a deappropriations bill for FY18, passing a budget for FY19 and working to enact a tax-reform package.
It has been another fantastic year for the business community, as several key ABI priorities were approved by both the House and the Senate and sent to Gov. Kim Reynolds’ desk for her review. ABI could not have had this success without the help of ABI members contacting their legislators and explaining the importance of enacting pro-business legislation.
Numerous public policy events are set to follow the legislative session. The ABI public policy team will be traveling the state in May to explain and discuss the results of the session with ABI members.
ABI is a member of Economic Progress for Iowa’s Citizens (EPIC), which interviews open-seat candidates who are running statewide and for the Iowa Legislature. The interviews will begin in May and take place over the course of the summer. The goal is to learn more about the individuals who are running for office and where they stand on economic development policies.
Later this summer, the Iowa Industry Political Action Committee (IIPAC) will evaluate candidates and award pro-jobs legislators and candidates with a “Friend of Iowa Business” endorsement.
As the Legislature seeks to finish its work, you can count on the ABI public policy team to continue to update you throughout the summer and fall on key issues impacting your business. If you are interested in getting engaged in the ABI public policy process or attending a future public policy event, please contact me at or 515-235-0576.