Promote Important Issues at Iowa Business Day on the Hill
February 14, 2020 | All sides of workforce
The 2020 legislative session is a little over one month old, and already many proposals have come forward that could affect Iowa businesses—both positive and negative. Iowa legislators need to hear from business leaders as they weigh these pieces of legislation.
Iowa Business Day on the Hill offers a perfect opportunity to communicate with your legislators at the Statehouse next month.
This year, ABI is partnering with the Iowa Taxpayers Association, National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the Iowa Business Council (IBC) and the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) to host this event to provide both business leaders and lawmakers with even greater awareness of the issues affecting Iowa businesses.
Last year’s attendees heard from legislative leaders about their agendas and the priorities that were being debated. Attendees also had the opportunity to advocate to their legislators about ABI priorities including the need to accelerate workforce training and to spread the deployment of high-speed broadband service. Ultimately, these issues were included in the Future Ready Iowa and the Empower Rural Iowa initiatives passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor a few weeks later.
In addition to advocating for policies that promote more jobs and economic growth in Iowa, the day is an opportunity to celebrate and share the important role Iowa businesses play in their communities and the state.
On Wednesday, March 11, participants will receive an update on activity at the Legislature before heading to the Capitol to meet with lawmakers.
Legislators need to hear firsthand from employers and employees in their districts about how decisions being made at the Statehouse affect everyday Iowans. Join us March 11 to help educate Iowa’s elected officials on the issues important to Iowa businesses.
When: March 11, 2020
Where: ABI Office, 400 E. Court Ave., Des Moines
Register: Visit