Election Season is in Full Swing
June 13, 2022 | Taking Stock of Where We Stand Amid Many Challenges
The 2022 election cycle has shifted into high gear as the Iowa Primary has just concluded. Voters made their voices heard on Tuesday, June 7 by casting votes for either Republicans or Democrats who are now the respective nominee of their party for races across the state. The attention now turns to November as candidates will be working hard during the summer and fall in getting their message out to voters, raising money, walking in parades, hitting the doors and meeting constituents as they seek to become the victor in their race on Tuesday, November 8.
There is a lot on the line for voters up and down their general election ballot. Races will be decided for Governor, U.S. Senate, all four U.S. House seats, all 100 Iowa House seats, 34 Iowa Senate seats, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State, Secretary of Agriculture and Attorney General plus a number of local offices. Voters will also decide whether or not to amend the Iowa Constitution as there will be a question on the ballot related to second amendment rights.
Elections absolutely matter and the proof of that is in the kind of pro-jobs policies we’ve recently seen passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor. ABI has made extraordinary progress in advocating for policies that will enhance Iowa’s business climate. In fact, over 40 bills have been signed into law that we’ve supported since 2017 including cornerstone pieces of legislation like workers’ compensation reform, tax cuts and reform, the COVID-19 Response and Back-to-Business Limited Liability Act, ensuring that employers can maintain a zero tolerance drug and alcohol testing regimen within their workplace and this year, the legislature passed HF 2355 which is reform of Iowa’s unemployment insurance system.
None of these victories would have been possible without a pro-growth, pro-business governor and legislature. It’s imperative that voters turn out and support candidates who have the backs of business and industry as we can’t afford to turn back on the tremendous progress we’ve made in strengthening the state’s business climate.
This summer, ABI will be unveiling 89th General Assembly voting records for incumbent legislators who are running for re-election in the fall. You’ll be able to see where your House and Senate member stood on key issues vital to the business community. ABI will also have tools available for employers and their team members. Go to our grassroots website www.iavotes.com to find your elected officials, view voting records, find your polling location and more.