October 13, 2017 | View PDF
Oct 13, 2017
Manufacturing and its huge positive economic impact on Iowa is what this edition of Business Record Iowa is all about.
ABI has proudly joined Gov. Kim Reynolds, the Iowa Economic Development Authority and Iowa State University’s Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) in Iowa’s Year of Manufacturing efforts in recognition of the importance of the advanced manufacturing industry to Iowa’s economy.
Are millennials narcissistic and lazy, believing they are entitled to rank and privilege they haven’t earned? Or does their ambition make them eager to leave behind what they perceive to be an outmoded framework for career growth and success?
In its third annual Legends in Iowa Manufacturing event, Elevate Iowa, a program of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI), recognized leaders in manufacturing at an awards dinner on Sept. 20.
Manufacturing is critical to Iowa’s economy. So much so that former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad earlier this year declared 2017 as the year of manufacturing in Iowa.
Fall is here, which means annual health insurance renewal increase notifications are coming soon.
Q. I find myself becoming overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to get done. How do I manage all of it?
I’m often asked, “So what do you do when the Legislature isn’t in session?”
The year was 1982. President Ronald Reagan was serving his first term in the White House, the first issue of USA Today was published and Michael Jackson’s iconic “Thriller” album was released. Among these memorable firsts of 1982, there was yet another notable historic beginning: the birth of Leadership Iowa.